Economia interna

One of the pillars of our vision is El poder de tu. Which represents freedom, autonomy, with your own strength. For Linya to be autonomous, it is essential to have our own internal economy with our own payment method. 

The stores, the convergence center with remote workstations, and of course the crypto utility tokens are the fundamentals. The other facilities, such as the beauty and health center, the hotel and sports and game facilities, also contribute to this.

Fundamentals of our internal economy

Detail Shops | Facilities Linya | Development plan Linya | AMORIA

Stores | Facilities Linya

Stores with organic products from our own land and our local partners, and stores with products that fit our vision and lifestyle. 

Llegeix més
Detail School and convention center | Facilities Linya | Development plan Linya | AMORIA

Convention center | Remote workstations | Facilities Linya

The conference center will have a dual function. There will be remote workstations and it will be the venue for events, livestreams, podcasts.

Llegeix més
Buy crypto utility tokens and NFTs | Backed up by water and real estate | AMORIA

Buy crypto utility tokens and NFTs

Our crypto utility token is the world’s only one that will be backed up by a physical product, the new gold: water. Buy your tokens now.

Llegeix més

Projectes de visió general

We have a vision for a better world and a unique concept that includes all elements for a self-sufficient society. We want to create a blueprint for the new way of life and conscious economy with respect for each other, nature, and the environment. 

Our vision

Zona blava Linya | Valors energètics | Tots els punts d'energia per a una vida feliç, saludable i abundant

La nostra visió: Reviu el poder de la teva naturalesa

La nostra visió "Reviu el poder de la teva naturalesa" consta de 6 pilars. Tots els projectes estan relacionats amb un o més dels pilars.

Llegeix més

All the projects are related to one or more of the 6 pillars of our vision: revive the power of your nature.